Charles Kihia

Charles Kihia

Kenya, “Utilization of nutrient dense wild foods; togotia (Cruciferae) and mukunga (anguillidae) among Kenyan communities”

Dr Kihia is a senior lecturer at the Department of biological Sciences, Egerton University with a PhD in environmental Sciences. Involved with teaching and research. Key research interest are in the sustainable utilization of natural resources in support of livelihoods of tropical communities. Have previously worked and published on cypress aphid an exotic pest of cypress trees (Msc thesis), mangrove nutrient dynamics (PhD, post doctoral), and collaborative researches in artisanal fishery bait utilization, mangrove and forest tree endophytes, polychaete culture as feed and bait, Covid-19 herbal remedies, utilization of togotia a forgotten African leafy vegetable, dangerous marine faunal encounters, and Eel occurrence and utilization.

All Sessions by Charles Kihia

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 2.2 | Call for Papers 2 – Alternative, nature-based solutions for sustainability challenges (including perspectives from indigenous people

Black-headed Spider Monkey / Teatro Casa Blanca

Session Description: At this session, a set of shortlisted papers from the Call for Papers will be presented. More details will be added