Chaire émérite, Paris School of Economics, GDN Board Chair
Dr. François Bourguignon is Chair of the GDN Board. He is also emeritus professor of economics at the Paris School of Economics. He has been the director of the Paris School from 2007 to 2013. Before that he was the chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank in Washington. He spent most of his research career as a professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. His work bears mainly upon inequality and corrective policies in developed and developing countries as well as at the global level. He has authored a large number of academic papers and books. He has received several awards and merits for his works. He is also active in the international development community, lecturing and advising leading international agencies as well as gove
Session Description: At this session, a set of shortlisted papers from the Call for Papers will be presented. More details will be added