Inty Arcos

Inty Arcos

Project Coordinator, Socio-Environmental Governance in the Chocó Andino Commonwealth, Ecuadorian Italian Fund for Sustainable Development (FIEDS)

All Sessions by Inty Arcos

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 3.4 | Challenges of mainstreaming Indigenous and local perspectives in biodiversity conservation: Experiences of knowledge co-production from Latin America.

Mountain Tapir / Da Vinci - 127

Session Description: Incorporating participatory processes into conservation planning and management has emerged as a major topic in sustainability debates in the last decades and became a mainstream trend in biodiversity policy. IUCN, IPBES, and CBD have recently produced documents that stated the need to better incorporate diverse knowledges, perspectives, and values to improve people's well-being while safeguarding biodiversity. These documents underscore that a participatory decision-making regarding biodiversity conservation is more effective in practice because the entire process is more likely to be perceived as legitimate. Read more