La Delicia Zonal Administration, Quito Municipality
Pablo is an Agronomist Engineer from the Central University of Ecuador, Specialist in Management and Territorial Governance, Specialization in Management and Territorial Governance from the Institute of Higher National Studies, Specialist in Leadership, Climate Change and Cities from FLACSO Ecuador, with a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the National Polytechnic School, graduate of the Master's in Urban Studies from FLACSO-Ecuador. He has 20 years of experience in urban environmental management and development at the zonal level in the Zonal Administration La Delicia of the Municipality of the Metropolitan District of Quito, holding the position of Technician and Environmental Analyst and Zonal Head of Environment. He has participated in the environmental recovery of stream systems, strips and protection areas with emphasis on ecological restoration, incorporating citizen participation as a cross-cutting component that guarantees sustainability in the care and protection of natural resources.
Session Organizer: Municipality of Quito - Clever Cities, USFQ - Tomorrow's Cities
Session Description: In Quito, rough estimates foresee an increase in droughts and heavy rainfall, combined with the accelerated growth of the city, much of it informal, over a topography and soil characteristics that will make morphoclimatic events such as alluvium, mass movements, and floods more frequent and above all affect the growing population more severely, especially the most socio-economically vulnerable strata settled in informal neighbourhoods. Read more