Priya Shyamsundar

Priya Shyamsundar

Lead Economist, The Nature Conservancy

With extensive experience on the economics of environment and development, Priya’s research covers a range of local to global urban and rural environmental problems. At TNC, she leads a Global Science program on the economics of conservation that focuses on valuing green infrastructure, evaluating economic and social outcomes, identifying economic instruments and assessing behavioral nudges that may motivate environmental actions. Previously, Priya was Founder Director of SANDEE, a research network that helps examine and identify solutions to shared environment-development challenges across seven countries in South Asia. Priya has served on advisory committees associated with the Government of India, the World Bank and the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program. She has also consulted extensively for the World Bank, most recently working with the Program on Forests to develop a comprehensive framework on forests and poverty. Priya currently serves as member, SANDEE steering committee, Nepal; Fellow, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, USA; member, Advisory Board of the Journal Ecology, Economy and Society, India, and International Vice Chair, Board, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada.

All Sessions by Priya Shyamsundar

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Plenary B | Biodiversity loss, climate change, poverty and global inequality – links and trade-offs

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: While actions to preserve biodiversity and mitigate climate change can contribute to poverty alleviation and social equity, careful management is needed to address potential trade-offs. Biodiversity loss poses a significant threat to our ecosystems, compromising essential services like clean air, water, and food production. Read more