Sandra López

Sandra López

Manager, Quitumbe Solidarity Project

Teacher and specialist in local development. Manager of the Quitumbe Solidarity Project, which focuses on cooperative housing of social interest, community construction, the implementation of the social and solidarity economy, the construction of urban habitat, nature, forests and streams in southern Quito. Trained in the culture of dialogue and conflict mediation, cooperativism, popular and solidarity economy, social and environmental sustainability, as well as being a trainer and cooperative leader at national and international level. From secondary and university classrooms she has been involved in social organisation as a student leader. In the field of social organisation, she is a member of neighbourhood, environmental and cultural collectives such as the Environmental and Cultural Forum of Quitumbe, the Civic Council of Quito, the parish and zonal assemblies and the Quito Assembly itself. She accompanies communities in their goal of living with dignity, exercising the rights to which they are entitled, promoting innovation in the management of local and national government.  

All Sessions by Sandra López

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 1.2 | Green and blue infrastructure to reduce the risk of disasters aggravated by climate change

Black-headed Spider Monkey / Teatro Casa Blanca

Session Organizer: Municipality of Quito - Clever Cities, USFQ - Tomorrow's Cities

Session Description: In Quito, rough estimates foresee an increase in droughts and heavy rainfall, combined with the accelerated growth of the city, much of it informal, over a topography and soil characteristics that will make morphoclimatic events such as alluvium, mass movements, and floods more frequent and above all affect the growing population more severely, especially the most socio-economically vulnerable strata settled in informal neighbourhoods. Read more