Francesco Obino

Francesco Obino

Director of Research & Programs, GDN

Francesco is Director of the Research Programs Unit at the Global Development Network, as well as Senior Fellow, Research Capacity Building & Institutions and Networks. At GDN, he leads the global team of Fellows and Managers who design and implement GDN programs. He also leads specifically the Doing Research global initiative. Francesco has fifteen years of experience in research, publishing and research capacity building in academia, international organisations, international and grassroots NGOs. He has studied international politics, political philosophy and international development in Italy, Portugal, the UK and India. He has worked in two dozen countries across Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Pacific. His main research interests are the interplay of institutional development and organisational functioning for research organizations, complex collaborations and the role of research funders in decolonizing development knowledge.

All Sessions by Francesco Obino

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 2.3 | Call for Papers 3 –Mainstreaming of biodiversity with an eye on the impact of innovation on funding ecosystem preservation efforts

Giant Otter / Salón Azul

Session Description: At this session, a set of shortlisted papers from the Call for Papers will be presented. More details will be added

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 1.4 | AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Awards

Mountain Tapir / Da Vinci - 127

Session Organizer: GDN

Session Description: The discussion revolves around envisioning how Biodiversity Mainstreaming unfolds within the context of each project, exploring the integration of diverse disciplines and perspectives encountered during research, and looking into the process of engaging key stakeholders. Read more