Laila Sandroni

Laila Sandroni

Specialist in Transdisciplinary Science for Biodiversity Conservation. Science Technology and Policy Fellow at the InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research and Associate Researcher at the University of Brasilia, Brazil

Laila Sandroni is a Post-Doc fellow at the Wildlife, Ecology, Management and Conservation Lab, University of São Paulo, as a part of the project entitled “Towards Convivial Conservation: Governing Human-Wildlife Interactions in the Athropocene”, working on human-Jaguar interactions on the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Essentially transdiciplinary researcher in Political Ecology, she dedicated her academic and activist efforts to issues concerning the communication between science and policy, alternative paths to conservation based on social justice and relations between the humanities and natural sciences.

All Sessions by Laila Sandroni

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 3.4 | Challenges of mainstreaming Indigenous and local perspectives in biodiversity conservation: Experiences of knowledge co-production from Latin America.

Mountain Tapir / Da Vinci - 127

Session Description: Incorporating participatory processes into conservation planning and management has emerged as a major topic in sustainability debates in the last decades and became a mainstream trend in biodiversity policy. IUCN, IPBES, and CBD have recently produced documents that stated the need to better incorporate diverse knowledges, perspectives, and values to improve people's well-being while safeguarding biodiversity. These documents underscore that a participatory decision-making regarding biodiversity conservation is more effective in practice because the entire process is more likely to be perceived as legitimate. Read more

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Plenary D | Scaling up Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Ecosystem Valuation: persistent challenges and the role of inter-disciplinary research, indigenous knowledge and capacity building

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: Biodiversity mainstreaming aims to integrate biodiversity considerations into various sectors and decision-making processes. However, it faces persistent challenges such as limited awareness, coordination, conflicting priorities, and inadequate resources. Read more