Luciano Andriamaro

Luciano Andriamaro

Director, Science and Knowledge Department, Conservation International, Madagascar

Biologist as a background with a PhD degree in Biology and Animal Conservation with freshwater biodiversity specialty, she is a field-based person. She is among the experts of wetlands and freshwater solicited in the various working groups and platform requiring this proficiency. During many years, she has overseen activities related to biodiversity and its conservation across different approaches from research and study to the recovery and well-being of the surrounding people that protects it.

All Sessions by Luciano Andriamaro

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 3.2 | Call for Papers 4 – Biodiversity loss, poverty and global inequality – links and trade-offs

Black-headed Spider Monkey / Teatro Casa Blanca

Session Description: At this session, a set of shortlisted papers from the Call for Papers will be presented. More details will be added

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Plenary D | Scaling up Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Ecosystem Valuation: persistent challenges and the role of inter-disciplinary research, indigenous knowledge and capacity building

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: Biodiversity mainstreaming aims to integrate biodiversity considerations into various sectors and decision-making processes. However, it faces persistent challenges such as limited awareness, coordination, conflicting priorities, and inadequate resources. Read more