Luisa Montes

Luisa Montes

Biodiversity and Natural Capital Specialist, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Luisa Montes CSO at CENCOR she is also the founder of Ecovalores, she is a specialist in sustainable finance, responsible investment, ESG information and analysis, socio-environmental risk, social and inclusive business, and environmental economics. Part of the team of raters for the first sustainability index of the Mexican Stock exchange she has specialized in the ESG assessment of companies and green bonds. She holds a degree in Economics from ITAM, Master in Economic Development (London School of Economics, United Kingdom), and she is LEAD fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation, she also holds a Masters degree in Economics and Environment from the University of St Andrews thanks to the Chevening scholarship obtained in 2018. She is a Professor of the Environmental Economics at the University of the Environment. Co-founder of LATINSIF today Advisory Committee for Latin America of the UN Principles of Responsible Investment. Co-founder of the 1st Energy Field of Mexico of the Economy of the Common Good and of the Latin American Ethical Banking. Student of Satish Kumar at Schumacher College and she is also a Regenesis practitioner.

All Sessions by Luisa Montes

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Plenary C | Financing biodiversity conservation and nature-based solutions for sustainability challenges

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: Adequate and sustainable financing, including gender-responsive policies, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the protection of biodiversity, the preservation of ecosystems, and the promotion of sustainable development. This topic explores various financing mechanisms, policy frameworks, and public-private partnerships that can mobilize resources and enable effective financial support for biodiversity conservation and the implementation of nature-based solutions. Read more