Malalatiana Razafindrakoto

Malalatiana Razafindrakoto

Soil Ecologist and Taxonomist, FADES c/o Laboratoire des RadioIsotopes, Madagascar

PhD, taxonomist, soil ecologist, First Malagasy to study the taxonomy of Madagascar earthworms after occasional studies conducted by Michaelsen in 1931. Researcher at Laboratoire des RadioIsotopes (LRI), university of Antananarivo, she is the only earthworm taxonomist from Madagascar. Her main research interests are earthworm taxonomy, earthworm and soil biodiversity ecology and the intensification of soil functions in tropical context. Given the reality that 75% of the population lives below the national poverty lines and the main cause is low farm productivity. Her goal is to provide easy ways (innovativeand low cost) for small-scale Malagasy farmers to improve their farm production and to have sustainable system through the use of soil biodiversity, especially earthworms. She has been involved in several projects which deal with the functional roles of soil biodiversity (Macrofauna) but mainly earthworms. These projects aim to mainstreaming soil biodiversity to restore soil, to improve agriculture and smallholders livelihoods.

All Sessions by Malalatiana Razafindrakoto

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 1.4 | AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Awards

Mountain Tapir / Da Vinci - 127

Session Organizer: GDN

Session Description: The discussion revolves around envisioning how Biodiversity Mainstreaming unfolds within the context of each project, exploring the integration of diverse disciplines and perspectives encountered during research, and looking into the process of engaging key stakeholders. Read more