Marianne Kettunen

Marianne Kettunen

Senior Policy Expert and Advisor, GCRF Trade, Development and the Environment Hub (TRADE Hub)

Marianne has 20 years of experience on the science-policy interface for environment and sustainable development. During her career she has worked on multiple climate and environmental issues, cooperating with a range of international governmental and non-governmental organisations including UN organisations, the European Commission and Parliament, national governments, and European and international think tanks and NGOs. She has led numerous multi-stakeholder initiatives and projects aimed at supporting sustainable policy- and decision-making in Europe and globally. She is an experienced speaker, convener and facilitator, and an author of numerous policy-oriented publications linked to climate, biodiversity and circular economy, with the latest focus on sustainable trade. She is a member of the Board of Trustees for two not-for-profit organisations and she also regularly mentors the next generations of environmental sustainability experts, including in the context of the Global Development Networ (GDN).

All Sessions by Marianne Kettunen

Day 2, Wednesday November 1, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Plenary D | Scaling up Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Ecosystem Valuation: persistent challenges and the role of inter-disciplinary research, indigenous knowledge and capacity building

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: Biodiversity mainstreaming aims to integrate biodiversity considerations into various sectors and decision-making processes. However, it faces persistent challenges such as limited awareness, coordination, conflicting priorities, and inadequate resources. Read more

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Parallel Session | Panel 1.1 | Nature-positive trade for sustainable development: How can trade support the implementation of the Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework?

Pink River Dolphin / Da Vinci - 128

Session Organizer: • Trade, Development and the Environment Hub (TRADE Hub), • UNCTAD BioTrade, • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), • UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Session Description: There is increasing recognition of the role that trade and trade-related policies play in addressing the biodiversity crisis. Trade can exacerbate biodiversity degradation and loss, with about 30% of the global biodiversity footprint embedded in trade. Agricultural expansion in particular has been estimated to drive 88% of global deforestation, with only seven agricultural commodities with predominantly global supply chains — cattle, oil palm, soy, cocoa, rubber, coffee and plantation wood fibre — accounting for 26% of global tree cover loss from 2001 to 2015. Read more