Marla R. Emery

Marla R. Emery

Scientific Advisor, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research & Co-Chair, IPBES Sustainable Use of Wild Species Assessment

Dr. Marla R. Emery served as Co-Chair of the Assessment Report on the Sustainable Use of Wild Species produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which was approved by the 138 IPBES member states in July 2022. For 31 years, Dr. Emery was a social science researcher with the United States Forest Service, where her investigations focused on the role of forests in providing food and sustaining cultures for diverse communities, including Indigenous peoples and recent immigrants. Currently, she is Scientific Advisor to the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research with a special remit to bring the insights of the social sciences to bear on ecological research and policy questions. Dr. Emery has conducted research on the uses of wild foods, medicines, and utilitarian materials in numerous countries including Colombia, Mexico, Mongolia, Scotland, and the United States. Dr. Emery received her Doctorate in Geography from Rutgers University. Dr. Marla R. Emery sirvió como Copresidente de la Evaluación sobre el uso sustentable de los especies silvestres de la Plataforma Intergubernamental Científico-Normativo sobre Diversidad Biológico y Servicios de los Ecosistemas (IPBES). Durante 31 años, La Dra. Emery fue científica con el Servicio Forestal de los Estados Unidos, donde sus investigaciones se enfocaron en el rol de los bosques como fuente de alimentación y base cultural para pueblos diversos, inclusive las Primeras Naciones y los recién llegados. Actualmente, ella es Consejera Científica al Instituto Nacional para Investigaciones sobre la Naturaleza de Noruegos. Ella ha realizado investigaciones sobre usos de comidas, medicinas, y materias utilitarias silvestres en varios países, entre ellos Colombia, México, Mongolia, Escocia, y los Estados Unidos. Recibió su Doctorado en Geografía de Rutgers University.

All Sessions by Marla R. Emery

Day 1, Tuesday October 31, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Keynote | Bridging Science and Policy: Unlocking the Transformative Potential of Biodiversity Research

Black-breasted Puffleg / Teatro Calderón de la Barca

Session Description: This keynote presentation explores the critical nexus between science and policy within the framework of biodiversity and sustainable development. It will examine the importance of robust scientific research as a foundation for inclusive evidence-based decision-making in biodiversity and sustainable development. Drawing on examples from IPBES assessments, the presentation will showcase how scientific knowledge can be effectively translated into actionable policies that address the complex challenges in this field. Read moreÂ